As most of you know we are both Emergency Physicians. And right now we’re a little preoccupied with this crazy little virus called COVID-19 (Coronovirus ). It’s time to hunker down in your house and cook all of those great foods you’d been wanting to make! But things are changing rapidly and many people have asked how to help.

Right now our energy is on caring for our patients and families affected by this pandemic. We’re also both moms who are now juggling full time jobs, full time parenting, and our newest jobs as temporary educators for our young kids. We know you can relate and we are here to offer support and solidarity in these troubling times.
We love food and we LOVE this blog, but we apologize we may not be able to post in such a regular fashion as we had been. We’ve got lots and lots of great recipes in the archives for you to try while you’re at practicing social distancing at home, and I promise we’ll soon be working on new ones as well!
You may have read our Facebook post on Social Distancing and How to Help in these troubled times. If you haven’t, please READ and share so we can get this information out to everyone. Although it’s a scary time, everyone feels better when they have something to do. Everyone wants to help and we have some great ideas on how you can help too!
Rest assured as we start to get some control over the chaos that has descended upon us, the posts will come regularly again. We just don’t know when that will be. In the meantime tell us what you are making at home and what you would like to see more of in this space. Order a new cookbook online. Check our archives and make a new soup. Pull your Instant Pot out and put it to work. Invite your kids into the kitchen and make something together. Teach them fractions while baking a cake. Send your favorite recipe to a friend. Subscribe to WithTwoSpoons!

(Poster on the wall at Chez Panisse)
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