It’s the end of April and, sadly, we’re still knee deep in the land of social distancing, shut downs, and home haircuts (ouch). There are some wonderful things about this slower season of life largely at home. And there are some really stressful things, too. In the midst of it all, I’m continuing to look each day for the little things to lighten the days. Need some fun inspiration for your quarantine day? Read on for my current favorites in Quarantine Distractions: Vol. 1.

01. New Recipes // I can’t say I’m completely enamored with what feels like constant cooking around here, but…it has been fun trying some new recipes. I made naan for the first time (excuse the terrible iPhone photo below, but trust me, it was good stuff). This week I’m hoping to try these homemade (!) poptarts and these sourdough english muffins.

02. Internet Videos // Let’s face it, internet videos are always a good source of distraction. This week I loved Brad Pitt as Dr. Fauci on SNL (see below) and my whole family has been enamored with the virtual Farm Babies at the MN Zoo. Be sure to check out the baby goats for a large dose of adorable! And of course, John Krasinski’s SGN is still great.
03. Skin Care Treats // My skin has been extra sensitive lately. I think it’s a combination of the stress of the current COVID-era life and the constant mask wearing at work. I’ve been trying to be extra diligent with my skin care and have been loving these amazing eye patches from Pixi (available at Target!) and this mask from from Farmacy beauty. Here’s a fun article on homemade clay masks.

04. A Bookish Escape // Since we can’t travel now, I’ve been diving deep into books and escaping into the world of fiction. I’m currently reading this incredible novel and just finished this one, which I am desperately needing to discuss with someone. Have you read it? What are your favorite books for quarantine time? I’m a big fan of Book of the Month and am super excited to dive into my April selection tonight and pick my May book in a few days.
05. A Few Smart Reads // There are a lot of smart people out there, writing about a lot of really great things. Here are some of my favorites recently:
New Zealand’s Prime Minister May Be The Most Effective Leader on the Planet (The Atlantic)
Lucy Kalanithi Five Years Later
How Anthony Fauci Became America’s Doctor (The New Yorker)
That’s it for this version of Quarantine Distractions. Let us know what you’d like to see more of here on WTS. We will be back next week with an all new recipe. Until then, stay healthy friends!
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