I know that this probably isn’t a post you were expecting here. What does a food blog have to do with Anti-Racism work? Well, frankly, a lot. With Two Spoons is a food and cooking blog. But it is also a blog about community, and in particular, community building. Lately, the community we live in – and the world at large – has been hurting. Much of that hurt has stemmed from the racial injustices so heartbreakingly prevalent in the everyday lives of so many people. I am committed in my personal and professional life to breaking down the old, hurtful world and building up a new, better community. A table where all truly feel welcome.
…Disagreement: a little rant.
I was going to bring you a list of resources for Whole Food Plant Based Eating today (and don’t worry, I will still do that), but a recent Facebook thread got me going and now I just can’t think about anything else. And although I’m sure trying to avoid controversy on this little old blog of ours, I need to take a minute to discuss a rational approach to disagreement. (Spoiler Alert: BE KIND)
…What To Read This Month
It’s been a little while since we’ve done a bookish update here at WTS so I thought it would be fun to share a little bit of what I’ve been reading lately and what’s on my TBR list for early 2020. Today’s post is all about What To Read This Month.
…Books, Books, Books! (And What’s on My TBR List for Fall)
It’s time for another bookish post here on With Two Spoons. As you might know, we love books just about as much as we love cooking and so every now and then, we share what we’ve been reading and what’s on our TBR (To Be Read) list for fellow bookish foodies. Fall is often a big time for publishers. New titles from established authors tend to be released ahead of the upcoming holiday season so there is generally a lot to choose from. I’ve been in a bit of a reading slump lately and would LOVE to get some book suggestions from you all! This week, I’m rounding up what I’ve read lately and what’s next on my TBR list.
As mentioned above, I’ve been in a bit of a reading rut lately. The end of summer and start of the school year was a little crazy around here and my book habit definitely got pushed to the side. I’m really excited for some cooler weather and a slightly slower pace of things so that I can get back in the reading saddle. So what have I read lately? Here’s the run down…
What I’ve Read This Summer (So Far!)
If you’ve been following along for a while now, you probably know that in addition to cooking, we are major book addicts. We both love to escape into a good story and while our book tastes do diverge a little at times, we often read a lot of the same books and both love to hear about what others are reading.
With Two Spoons Reads: Recent Reads!
Time for another bookish update here on With Two Spoons. If you follow us on social media (and if you don’t, you should!), you might know that in addition to all things food and cooking, we have a serious love of books and reading. As summer reading season ramps up, I thought it might be fun to share a few of my recent reads in case you’re looking for some new titles to add to your summer reading list!
One of my favorite things in the world is a an afternoon at the beach. Tuck me under an umbrella with a cold drink (like a Hugo Spritz!) and a good book and I’m a very happy girl. My husband and I were recently returned from a trip to Hawaii. In addition to some soaking up the beautiful sights, perfect weather, and having some fantastic island adventures, I also had a bunch of relaxing days at the beach. It was heaven….
WithTwoSpoons Reads! Binge Worthy Series
Summer. Glorious summer. Hopefully you’ll get some time lying on a dock somewhere where you can immerse yourself in some great summer reading. And summer is the perfect set up for a binge worthy series!
Don’t know what to read? No problem.
Here are a few great series that will keep you busy all summer long!
Friday Five: Where I’m Finding Inspiration
Spring is in the air. And I’m not sure I’ve ever been so grateful for our loyal audience here at With Two Spoons. So many thoughts and plans swirling around as we plan for the future of our little brand. And as always, when thinking about the future I like to invoke a little creativity! So where I am finding inspiration?
Stay tuned, because if I’m finding inspiration…
Friday Five: With Two Spoons Reads (My Favorites So Far)
When I’m not cooking, I’m reading (or listening to podcasts, but that’s a post for another time). And the more I talk about books with people, the more I realize people WANT TO TALK ABOUT BOOKS! So let’s do it! Lets talk about books in With Two Spoons Reads! Read on for my top 5 picks of what I’ve read in 2019 (so far!)…
Friday Five: Raising Readers + A GIVEAWAY!
I have been a life long reader. Addicted to ALL things books. My parents could get me to do anything by promising a trip to the library or even better, the bookstore! It started by reading Dr. Seuss by a nightlight instead of going to bed, and it’s graduated to finishing novels under the covers long after I should be sleeping! Reading is such a wonderful escape and such a great skill to hone in our kids. In honor of my amazing friend, Rebecca Ansari, and her debut novel “The Missing Piece of Charlie O’Reilly”, let’s talk about raising readers. (And enjoy the fun photos of kids reading, provided to me by other mamas passionate about Raising Readers!) Only interested in the Giveaway? Fair enough-scroll to the bottom and enter to win (but beware: you’re missing out on a lot of great information)! Without further ado, keep reading for the Friday Five: Raising Readers!