It’s been a long, fun week and I don’t know about you, but I’m really excited for a weekend off with my family. As we are all coming down off the candy high of Halloween, I’ve been thinking about the things I’m loving lately and things that are saving my life (in the most lighthearted way!).
This list was inspired by Tsh Oxenreider and her Simple podcast (also: go read her book, At Home in the World, it’s so great), talking to people about the small things that are saving their lives, propping them up, and sparking joy. In that spirit, this week for Friday Five, I’m sharing a few things I’m watching, reading, listening to, and doing to make life just a little more fun.
01. Books, books, books. I had a bit of a reading lull at the end of the summer but all of the new fall releases have me so dang excited about reading again. I’m currently finishing up Kate Atkinson’s newest novel, set during and after WWII. Next up? This one from Markus Zusak. I loved his last book so much, despite the fact that I ugly cried so hard on an airplane that a flight attendant asked me if I was ok. Oops. I’ve also got this one and this one ready to go on my kindle. Yay for new fall books.
02. The Final Episodes of Parts Unknown. I’m not a huge TV person, but Parts Unknown has been a must watch for me since it premiered. As a travel junkie and food lover, Bourdain’s show was the perfect mix of new places, interesting food, and just a little attitude. Like many, I was saddened by his sudden death earlier this year and have been savoring these last few episodes, knowing that there’s only a little magic left.
03. New Podcasts. As the weather shifts, I’ve been squeezing in every bit of outdoor running and walking I can (Full Confession: I am a fair weather outdoor exerciser. Snow flies and I hit the gym. Sorry, not sorry!). While I typically love music for running, I’ve been doing a lot of long walks lately and podcasts have been the perfect company. I love What Should I Read Next for great book recommendations, Simple for short, super interesting conversations with women doing cool things in their lives, and Stuff You Should Know for, well, stuff I should know. I’m always looking for new podcasts – what are your favorites?
04. Clothing Subscriptions. A few years ago, I tried Stitch Fix for a while to refresh my wardrobe. To be totally truthful, it was a bit hit or miss and so after a while, I let it lapse. Recently, I needed a bit of a clothing reset and didn’t really have the time or energy to head to the mall. I decided to give a few new subscriptions services a try and I’ve loved it. I started with Trunk Club (a division of Nordstrom) and recently tried Trendsend (from Evereve) as well. Both were really fun and really easy. I found some great pieces that I wear all the time now and have new boxes scheduled for this month. The best part was that everything was shipped to my house and easily returned via mail or local store. Fantastic.
05. Fun new beauty treats. I went a little rogue on a Target run recently and grabbed this facial mask and this new, cheap, and totally amazing mascara. I’m loving both. The mask is completely addicting – it makes my skin so soft and bright – and the mascara gives great definition and doesn’t flake off and give me raccoon eyes! Total win. I also picked up a few more of my all time favorite lip balm. I keep them in my car, my coat pockets, my work bag, and all around my house. It’s kind of a problem. Oops.
Bonus: I’m trying so hard not to eat all the Halloween candy (I can’t stay away from the York peppermint patties – especially when they’re frozen!) and keeping a batch of these Healthy Cookie Dough balls (pictured above) in the freezer has been helpful in keeping me out of the candy bowl.
Have a great weekend, friends!
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