There are a lot of things to love about June but one of my favorites is that it is finally berry season! I am a fairly equal opportunity fruit eater but give me a fresh pint of raspberries or a bowl of plump, just picked strawberries and I will eat the entire thing every single time. There is just nothing like fresh berries at the height of the season. My four year old son is also a berry lover and on the days when he eats an entire container of organic blueberries by himself I am grateful for Costco and their amazing organic fruit options! Since my personal fridge is currently filled to the brim with blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries, I thought a collection of berry themed recipes might be just the thing for this week’s Good Food Reads. I hope you enjoy a few of these treats this weekend!…
Bourbon Bacon Meatloaf
My teenage daughter recently said to me “Mom, you don’t need to put bacon in everything!” with the exasperated sigh that all teenagers use when dealing with their mothers. Hmmm…we may be speaking different languages, because I sure don’t understand this comment! (Don’t worry, I’ll be checking her room for drugs, right after I finish writing this, because really-who says this?) Bacon? Bacon belongs on everything. Bacon should be it’s own food group. Bacon is life. Like this Bourbon Bacon Meatloaf. If you agree with me, or know someone that agrees with me…keep reading……
Blueberry Jam with Lime
I’ve always been a total fair weather fan when it comes to blueberries. At the height of the season, when they’re firm, sweet, and just a bit tart, I eat them pint after pint, nearly as fast as I can buy them. I love to put them on yogurt, in salads, or just eat them plain. Last summer, as I was relishing some particularly perfect blueberries, I came across a recipe in the New York Times for Blueberry Jam with Lime. The recipe comes adapted from the book “Saving the Season” by Kevin West….