Since welcoming my daughter in October, I’ve been on a bit of a mini-maternity leave from the blog, focusing mostly on Good Food Reads each week while Lane (bless!) has really taken over the cooking posts. As many of you know, having a newborn really limits the time for cooking and kitchen shenanigans. Well, I’m starting to slowly dip my toes back into the land of the cooking! As I think about things that I’m excited to make (and combine that with the constant hunger associated with nursing a baby – wow! I could eat ALL THE TIME), I continually get excited about Good Food Reads and have found so many things I want to share. …
Bourbon Bacon Meatloaf
My teenage daughter recently said to me “Mom, you don’t need to put bacon in everything!” with the exasperated sigh that all teenagers use when dealing with their mothers. Hmmm…we may be speaking different languages, because I sure don’t understand this comment! (Don’t worry, I’ll be checking her room for drugs, right after I finish writing this, because really-who says this?) Bacon? Bacon belongs on everything. Bacon should be it’s own food group. Bacon is life. Like this Bourbon Bacon Meatloaf. If you agree with me, or know someone that agrees with me…keep reading……